I shudda known better...
Ummm, that last blog of mine...mentioning the impossibility of Bush getting away with amending the Geneva Convention on torture...
As I suppose everybody knows by now, Senator McCain came out after that great torture debate and said all was well and the Convention would not be messed with.
But the great "compromise" turned out to be just one more win for the Unitary President. Interpretation of the convention is declared to be in the hands of the president.
In other words, torture's green light is still green. (Waterboarding, folks, waterboarding. And who will know what else?)
What on earth was I thinking? McCain et al. did their big "differing Republican" thing. And then they caved. Bush gets away with it again.
And I think I will never again say "it just can't get worse." Two years and three months could well be like an eternity of worse.
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