Question of the week
What on earth will it take to get His Royal Highness The Decider to face the music about Iraq?
How many more Republican honchos will have to defect from Bush's war camp before he comes out of his trance? (Even the Un-Decider John McCain has at least pointed out the lunacy of pilot Bush's "Mission Accomplished" show and Rumsfeld's description of the insurgents as a bunch of thugs on their last legs.)
And when will the approximately 40% or so of Americans who still hover around the throne in obeisance face the fact that Iraq has been at civil war for some time now. (Somebody should point out to them that 17,000 Iraqis have been killed in the last seven months.)
Connecticut's Senator Christopher Shays has been a strong supporter of the Bush war/occupation since Day One, even as he visited Iraq 13 times. Returning from his 14th visit, even he is now calling for a time frame for withdrawal of our troops.
What more will it take?
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