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Friday, September 08, 2006

Bush & Cheney's biggest con job

The most recent poll I know about (I'm pretty sure it was CNN) said that about 40% of Americans STILL believed there was a connection between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda leading up to September 11, 2001. Utterly, utterly mind-boggling.

Well, let us hope that the Senate Intelligence Committee report released today (on a Friday as usual for this kind of thing) finally wakes up all those sleeping beauties out there. Millions among the other 60% have been saying all along that Bush and Cheney were lying to us from day one on this. The fact is that Al Qaeda was Saddam's enemy, not his friend. Attacking Iraq was senseless.

What is perhaps most amazing is that just a few days ago Bush was STILL (this is an important day for capital letters) trying to hawk this BS to the nation.

It is time for the WHOLE country to recognize what the rest of the world (except Tony Blair) has known for a long time. The Bush-Cheney duopoly dominates the US manure market. The metaphor is fitting; the result is the death of tens of thousands of Iraqis and more American troops killed in Iraq than Americans killed on 9/11.