Supreme arrogance here & there & everywhere
I have arrogance fatigue from listening to King George's blather ever since the Lebanon tragedy began to unfold. But today I made myself listen to Princess Condi, and she outdid her boss. His blather was trumped by her gobbledegook.
But arrogance apparently is not reserved for this side of the Atlantic. In today's Toronto Sun, Eric Margolis reports on what Doron Rosenblum, a columnist for Israel's Ha'aretz newspaper, wrote last week about the cause of the Lebanon war. According to Rosenblum, the real cause was a speech by Hezbollah's leader, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, who sneered that Israel's new triumvirate of PM Ehud Olmert, Defence Minister Amir Peretz, and Chief of Staff Dan Halutz were "small'" compared to Ariel Sharon. Margolis writes: "According to Rosenblum, 'bad-tempered' Olmert, Peretz, and 'arrogant Halutz' flew into rages at this grave insult to their manhood, and sought to prove they could out-Sharon Sharon by turning a minor skirmish into an all-out war."
I won't go beyond mentioning the incredible arrogance of the third party, Nasrallah himself, who proclaims he will eliminate Israel.
The arrogant rant. The children die. The rest of us keep too much silence.
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