Tonight's questions
In the midst of the ever-intensifying Lebanon-Israel catastrophe:
* Why does Bush think that the whole rest of the planet calling for an immediate cease-fire is wrong and he is right?
* Why won't Bush talk directly with Iran and Syria?
* How is placing an international force just inside Lebanon going to stop Hezbollah's rocketing of Israel when Hezbollah today fired off a rocket that went 30 miles into Israel? (Hmm, fire them over their heads--very complicated tactic indeed.) And since we have seen a triple increment in rocket trajectory just in the last few weeks, how far into Israel will the next iteration reach?
* With their Iraq-debacle credibility blown to smithereens, how can the Neo-cons have the bloody gall to foster attacking Iran and/or Syria? (Answer: they are nuts.)
* With Israelis and Lebanese living in basement bomb shelters and the raging civil war in Iraq killing 100 civilians a day, did Bush expect the world would not scratch its head when he posed today with the grinning celebrities of American Idol? (No, I haven't watched the program, but I hear they garner more voters than our national elections. Ye gods.)
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