Jan Brewer's Finger
Probably everyone reading this has already seen the photo below. Governor Brewer met President Obama at the Phoenix airport with a letter in hand for him. He questioned what she had written in her book "Scorpions For Breakfast" about their White House meeting last June. (Immediately after that meeting, she said twice that it was cordial. Later she wrote in "Scorpions" that the President had been "patronizing" and "condescending.") Then she literally got in Obama's face. Later she said that she had felt threatened by him.

This is not the first time that Jan Brewer has been disgusting. Her whole history around Arizona's racial-profiling 1070 legislation has been disgusting -- and a lot worse. I have been convinced for a long time that she is a racist.
By the way, Brewer reminds me of Newt The Bookseller. After the finger-in-your-face incident, sales of her Scorpion book went up 1,350,000% in just 24 hours.
But wait! There's more new stuff here in our state! Our recently-recalled state senator Russell Pearce is about to become head of the anti-immigrant group Ban Amnesty Now. That bunch is so bad that Sheriff Joe Arpaio (!!!) quit them in 2010.
And yet more! Prominent (and heavily armed) Neo-Nazi militiaman J.T. Ready is gathering signatures to run for sheriff of Pinal County (which sits between Tucson and Phoenix.)
Welcome to Arizona, the whacko state.