Today's the day
Oh, great. Today the Republicans take control of the House.
John ("Hell no!") Boehner takes over the leadership from Nancy Pelosi.
New members put into office by the Tea Party will be voting to please their "base" that is riddled with racists, Islamophobes, xenophobes, homophobes and Obama haters.
Tomorrow the House Republicans are going to read the US Constitution aloud in the chamber. Oops -- then they are going to try to change the Constitution in order to take citizenship away from born-in-the-US babies of undocumented mothers.
The first big order of Republican business will be to vote to repeal all of President Obama's progress on health care for millions of Americans. That has no chance in the Senate, and even if it did pass there, the president would veto it. But they are going to waste the time and the money with their posturing anyway.
Then many of them, despite decrying the predation of Wall Street banksters, will do battle against government regulations.
At the same time, we are going to witness a flood of ridiculous, costly "investigations" of Obama.
Sigh. There are extremely ugly days ahead on the Hill.
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