Grijalva targeted again
Our congressman Raul Grijalva has been targeted for the third time. In April he received death threats here in Tucson. In July a window of his Yuma office was shattered and a bullet was found inside.
Yesterday at his Tucson office, an envelope arrived in the mail containing two pieces of paper with swastikas and a plastic bag with white powder inside. The Tucson Fire Dept. said the powder was toxic. Today it was identified as hydroxyacetanilide. Some reports have said it is not toxic, but the FBI has not yet released its lab report. (I had no idea what hydroxyacetanilide was, so I googled it. It seems there are several kinds, at least four. I looked closely at the first kind; it had a long paragraph listing health hazards.)
How much more violence inspired by Teabaggers and Glenn Beck & Co. are we going to see around the country before election day?
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