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Monday, November 01, 2010

Will tomorrow be a national disaster?

Tomorrow may be a disastrous day for our nation.

Where did all this Tea Party energy come from? I do not believe that anger over the economy and joblessness explains it all.

How can so many people scream "socialism" when they are benefitting from socialist programs like Social Security and Medicare?

How can so many completely dismiss the fact that Bush left Obama a colossal mess that included a $1.3 trillion budget deficit?

How can so many scoff at government regulation in the face of exceedingly abusive insurance companies and banksters ripping them off?

How can so many worship God and guns in the same sentence?

How can so many shout about violence in the Koran while saying nothing about violence in the Bible, e.g. murdering children of the enemy (Psalm137) or executing gays (Leviticus 20)?

How can so many pay attention to global warming deniers instead of to the worldwide scientific community?

How can so many grandchildren and children of immigrants demonize millions of undocumented workers who have put food on their tables and contributed hugely to their Social Security?

These are very strange times. I wonder how many voters are going to shoot themselves in the foot tomorrow.