About those border walls
I highly recommend a new website that opposes the border walls: www.no-border-wall.com
The home page has a striking slide show above the following commentary:
The border wall is one of the most ineffective projects that the United States has undertaken. It utterly fails to stop undocumented migrants or smugglers - an estimated 97% of people who try to cross the U.S.-Mexico border eventually succeed at entering the country. Yet, the border wall has been monumentally destructive:
* Instead of halting people at the border, walls have redirected desperate migrants toward perilous desert routes, leading to the tragic deaths of thousands of men, women, and children.
* Walls have caused environmental destruction, fragmenting crucial habitat for animals, including endangered species, funneling migrants and Border Patrol enforcement activities through fragile ecosystems, and triggering large-scale erosion.
* The border wall has already caused catastrophic flooding, and the lack of adequate studies of its safety means that it has the potential to do far greater damage to nearby communities.
* The wall has split sovereign Native American nations in two, and its construction has disturbed ancient graves and archaeological sites.
* The federal government has stripped private property out of the hands of hundreds of U.S. citizens to build the border wall and has refused to pay fair market value or guarantee access to adjacent property.
* Under the Real ID Act, 36 federal laws were waived for the border wall project, including laws that protect our air, drinking water, endangered species, parks and wilderness areas, farmland, religious freedom, and our historical and archaeological heritage.
* The financial burden to U.S. taxpayers may well exceed $49 billion for wall construction and maintenance.
NO BORDER WALL opposes the border wall because of the devastating consequences that border walls have on border communities and economies, human rights, and the environment, as well as the United States' relationship with Mexico and the rest of the world. We urge our elected representatives to reject the border wall and repeal the Secure Fence Act and the Real ID Act.
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