Looney in America
What a chorus of screwball hatemongers. Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck (I can never figure out which of these two is worse.) Michelle Malkin and Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter. Michele Bachman and Virginia Fox. A looney-tunes choir like nothing we've seen before.
And then there is Tom Tancredo, the former congressman who is so xenophobic that he appears apoplectic.
Yesterday he outdid himself when he told a bunch of Tea Party folks in Greenville, South Carolina. that he wanted them to send President Obama "back to Kenya."
This is the same Tancredo who recently said that Obama was elected by "people who could not even spell the word 'vote', or say it in English." He went on to say that there should be a civic literacy test--which is of course a clear call to return to even more racist times.
Looney they are. And very, very dangerous.
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