Lest we forget
Much of the world has just seen the bravery of Iraqis going out to vote despite all the threats and the deadly explosions. Apparently the turnout was well over 50%.
But behind all the media coverage of the past weekend In Iraq, the ongoing death statistics get little attention.
Since Bush and Cheney began their illegal war on Iraq almost seven years ago, the number of US troops killed there has reached 4,380. (The most recent death was on Feb. 25.)
The "official" number of Americans wounded is 31,706. The estimate, however, is over 100,000 wounded.
Here are some more death statistics from Iraq:
Contractors, 1,457
Journalists, 338
Academics, 437
The estimated total number of Iraqi deaths due to the US invasion is 1,366,350 (from Just Foreign Policy.org)
As of March 3, coalition deaths in Afghanistan have reached 1,599. (And where is this number headed?)
The song keeps echoing: "When will we ever learn, when will we ever learn?"
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