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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Catching up (but I've tweeted daily)

These are strange times.

On the one hand, we have elected an African-American president. A decade ago, how many of us would have guessed our country would make such progress by now?

On the other hand, we have more and more whackos coming out from under the rocks:

* "Birthers" who don't believe Barack Obama is an American

* "Deathers" who think Obama is going to kill their grandparents

* Nazifiers who think Obama is the new Hitler

* Neo-Confederates who are longing for Civil War Two

* Secessionists who want Texas to secede from the Union

* Vigilantes who carry guns and hunt Mexican migrants

* White supremacists who love to hate

* Religious fundamentalists who think Obama is the Anti-Christ

* Hypocrites who scream "Socialism!" while getting help from Social Security and Medicare

* And then there are all those sad souls who think Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh care about something other than getting rich by spewing poison

Not just strange times. Very crazy times.