Obscene Wackenhut madness
I live a half block from a road where the buses of the mercenary Wackenhut corporation regularly pass by on their way to the border to deport their loads of hard-working Mexican migrants. Every time I see one of those buses, it gives me a sick feeling in my gut.
Now Wackenhut gives us a new kind of sickness. Through its subsidiary ArmorGroup, it supplies 450 guards to protect the US embassy in Kabul. A whistle-blower has just provided the world with photos and video showing nearly naked Armorgroup guards and supervisors dancing around a bonfire, urinating on people and eating potato chips out of buttock cracks. Without the photos and video, who could have believed it?
Our very own State Deparatment was warned about these guys, but in June they extended their $189 million contact. Guess whose tax dollars.
Here is just one photo of the obscene madness:

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