C Street and beyond
I wonder how many full-fledged religious hypocrites there are in Congress and in governorships. I'm talking here especially about the Bible-waving guardians of the nation's morality who have hissy fits over things like Bill Clinton's sexcapade and then get caught dallying on C Street or Argentina or wherever.
The recently famous (or infamous) house at 133 C St. in Washington, D.C., is a real doozy. I've heard its residents called "The Family" and "The Fellowship" and just the "C Street Bible Study Group." I think there are presently two Senators and three Congressman camping there. Really sweet: we have these powerful people who consider themselves sent by God to turn the nation into their version of orthodox Christianity. And they rant about the rules. Which only apply to everyone else. (I think most folks reading this blog will recognize the most famous stars of the C Street theater: Nevada's Senator John Ensign, South Carolina's Governor Mark Sanford and former Mississippi Congressman Chip Pickering.)
God deliver us from governance by religious fundamentalism and hypocritical theatrics.
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