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Thursday, June 04, 2009

Obama in Cairo

Barack Obama got a standing ovation in Cairo today. If I were there, I surely would have stood up with the Egyptians. From the BBC's summary this morning:

* "I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world, one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect."

* "Palestinians must abandon violence. Resistance through violence and killing is wrong." (But the) "situation for the Palestinian people is intolerable".

* "Israelis must acknowledge that just as Israel's right to exist cannot be denied, neither can Palestine's."

* There "can be no progress towards peace without a halt to such construction" (of Israeli settlements in the West Bank.)

* On the key issues of Iraq and Afghanistan, the president said the US sought no permanent bases in either country.

* On Iran: "No single nation should pick and choose which nations hold nuclear weapons" and he said Iran had the right to peaceful nuclear power.

* On democracy: "America does not presume to know what is best for everyone".

* "No system of government can or should be imposed upon one nation by any other."

* On women's rights: "Our daughters can contribute just as much to society as our sons."