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Thursday, April 09, 2009

The story gets even worse

Somebody leaked a confidential, 43-page Red Cross report from 2007, so now we know that even medics, including physicians, took part in CIA torture sessions at so-called "black prisons." Sometimes the medics recommended that the torture be stopped, sometimes that it continue.

Remember when George W. Bush said our country did not torture? I'm sure that he (and Grand Inquisitor Cheney) would still say that the practices listed in the report are not really torture. They include:

* waterboarding
* being chained above the head naked for up to three days
* being swung against the wall by a neck collar
* being shackled and kept naked for weeks or months, sometimes having "to urinate and defecate on themselves and remain standing in their own bodily fluids for periods of several days."

Even as the world applauds the fact that President Obama has ordered these torture sites closed and ordered the CIA to follow the military's strict rules of interrogation, we have to ask:

When will the criminal indictments be issued? As my bumper sticker says, George W. Bush deserves a fair trial.