Republican circus
Are the Republicans under some kind of evil spell cast by Rush Limbaugh?
In the face of a vast panorama of lost jobs, lost homes, decrepit schools, padlocked factories, crumbling bridges and sick and hungry families, the GOP in Congress pulled together (with the exception of three Senators) and soundly earned a new name, coined by MSNBC's Rachel Maddow: the GRAND OBSTRUCTIONIST PARTY. No, no, no. No stimulus bill for them. It's socialism! We can't afford it! (Yes, this from the folks who stood at attention while George Bush blew a trillion dollars on an immoral and illegal war that killed hundreds of thousands of people.)
And the show goes on: Some GOP governors are bragging about the benefits their states will now receive, even though they voted against the stimulus bill. Four southern governors even want to refuse stiumulus dollars, among them the governor of still-battered Louisiana.
This pathetic circus also has a sideshow. Alan Keyes, who ran against Barack Obama for the Senate in 2004 and only last year bolted from the GOP to start his own party, has just said this: “Obama is a radical communist and I think it is becoming clear. That is what I told people in Illinois and now everybody realizes it is coming true. He is going to destroy this country and we are either going to stop him or the United States of America is going to cease to exist.”
Limbaugh surely must be casting spells.
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