Prosecuting the Decider
President Obama seems to be against prosecuting George W. Bush for war crimes. But if we are really a country of laws, how can Bush, Cheney and their accomplices not be prosecuted?
Bush and Cheney misled the country and Congress to attack Iraq, spied on US citizens without authorization, broke US and international law by torturing prisoners and denied the right of Habeas Corpus.
In the absence of a US prosecution, might Bush be prosecuted for war crimes (specifically for torture and "extraordinary rendition") by the International Criminal Court at The Hague? The ICC is backed by a treaty signed by 108 countries (the US is not one of them.) As president, Bush obviously wanted nothing to do with the ICC. But Obama has shown signs of backing it, specifically with regard to indicting Sudanese President Al Bashir for war crimes in Darfur.
For details on the International Criminal Court, go to this site:
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