Note to my readers: I wrote this entry on Thursday, July 31. When I tried to publish it, I saw that Blogger's automated spam checker had identified me as a potential spammer. I had to request a review, which I immediately did. Then I was to wait for a response within two working days No response yet, but I thought I'd give it a try anyway. It is 9:25 a.m. on Saturday, August 2, and it looks like I am now unblocked. (By the way, since I wrote this, we have had the huge fuss over Obama's statement about folks being told to fear him because he doesn't look like the other fellows who appear on our paper money. For a fine commentary on that, look at Bob Herbert's aticle in today's NY Times.)
OK, I promise. After this, no more blogs about McCain for a while. At least a week.
Can anybody remember a presidential campaign without some slinging of slime? I cannot. But this McCain chap and his coterie of bucket bearers are just too much. (Don't forget that good ol' Straight-talk John made a very big deal of promising "a respectful campaign.")
Some of the slime from their buckets: Obama is unpatriotic, even treasonous, ready to lose in Iraq for political gain. Obama dissed soldiers wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama voted 94 times for higher taxes. Then, very weirdly, a McCain commercial linked Obama with Britney Spears and Paris Hilton.
Seeing scatological content like that, it should be no surprise to learn that at least three of McCain's present operatives are from the Gang of Rove Their names are Steve Schmidt, Nicole Wallace and Greg Jenkins. It's not a curiosity that they have the same middle name. It's spelled S-L-I-M-Y.
So are these three Rovians just people off working by themselves while the boss innocently wanders through the supermarket aisles checking out escalating dairy prices? Nope. All four are rowing the same boat. For example, here is what McCain said about the Spears-Hilton thing: “What we are talking about here is substance and not style... We are talking about who has an agenda for the future of America... I am proud of the campaign that we have run… We’re proud of that commercial.”)
More devastatingly, as CNN reported last February 9, John "Mr. Clean" McCain said this: "I've always respected Karl Rove as one of the great smart political minds in American politics. I've always respected him. We never had any ill will after the initial South Carolina thing, after we had the meeting with President Bush. We moved on. I've seen Karl Rove many times when I've been over at the White House. We've always had pleasant conversations. It's not so much whether I approve of his tactics or not. It's that he had a very good, great political mind. And any information or advice and counsel he can give us, I'd be glad to have. I don't think anybody denies his talents. So I'd be glad to get any advice and counsel. We would obviously decide whether to accept it or not."
Well, McCain has obviously accepted the stuff of Rove. The proof is in the buckets.