Bye, bye, Gonzales
In less than a year, the White House-cleaning has come this far.
First there was the Iraq warmonger, defense secretary Don Rumsfeld. Then went the prince of Kiing George's neocon advisors, Paul Wolfowitz. The first to go this month was "Bush's brain," Karl Rove. And now Alberto Gonzales, the man who turned the Justice Department into a shambles to support the imperial presidency, is deparating the palace.
From the BBC this morning: "As well as the (U.S. Attorney) sackings row, Mr Gonzales has also been criticised for helping to expand presidential powers in connection with the administration's war on terror - from drafting the controversial rules governing prisoners at Guantanamo Bay to authorising a secret phone tapping programme He was censured by some human rights groups after writing a memo to the president in which he said the war against terror was a 'new kind of war' that renders obsolete Geneva's strict limitations on questioning of enemy prisoners and renders 'quaint' some of its provisions.The memo came to light after the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal in Iraq."
Bye, bye, Mr. Gonzales. Mr. Cheney, it's your turn now. Then the nation can get serious about impeaching Mr. Bush.