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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Let's hope

It seems the word is just starting to spread that Democrats in the Senate are working toward revisiting the Iraq war authorization that - sadly, stupidly and disastrously - passed four years ago. Apparently they want to try to pass a resolution to limit further military action in Iraq. Let us hope.

The last elections made it clear that the majority of Americans are fed up with the Iraq war and occupation. What confounds me is the fact that somewhere between 28 and 34 percent of Americans still have some trust in the Bush cabal. Unless they wear blinders and ear plugs, they have to know about the lies that have been spewed from the White House since well before March 19, 2003. (Of course it never stops. Now Cheney is describing the British pullout from Basra as a sign of success, although even the Pentagon still lists Basra as a particularly violent region of Iraq where Shi'ite tribal militias are at each other's throats.)

Well, maybe it is this 28 to 34 percent that just dwells in a perpetual state of hypnosis, the most recent dangling, swaying watches being the pathetic Britney Spears and the even more pathetic, men-manipulated, dead but not yet buried Anna Nicole Smith.

If most of that minority wakes up, imagine the possibilities. Think impeachment.