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Sunday, February 11, 2007

The neo-cons and Iran

Yesterday, in the UK's Guardian, Ewen MacAskill wrote that all the Democrats in Congress, most Republicans there, the State Department and the Pentagon are all against a Bush attack on Iran. Surely the majority of Americans are against it; look at what we voters made clear in November about Iraq. The warmongers then? Dick Cheney, first of all - as usual. And then the virtual corner bar of the neo-conservative movement, namely, the AEI (American Enterprise Institute.)

Most of the new majority Democrats in Congress have been pussyfooting about getting out of Iraq way too long already. They had best come up with some intestinal fortitude (and also get enough of their confreres across the aisle to join them) to forestall an attack on Iran.

Congress will prove to be jello if they can't block Cheney-Bush and neutralize the AEI on Iran. (Let us not forget that the AEI has been the impetus for Bush's Iraq "surge" of new troops (and not just the quoted 20,000 but up to 48,000 in all.) If we are going to apply axis of evil labels, we'd best start with the home-grown kind.