The Garbage People
OK, the final days of campaigning before an election are always frantic, largely ridiculous and often downright mean and demeaning. But this time, in the face of a likely huge loss for the Bushites, the barrage of garbage has gone way, way beyond vile. It is depraved.
Think candidate Tammy Duckworth, who lost both legs in Iraq. (Don't forget how the same school of television terrorists went after Kerry-booster Max Cleland, who lost both legs and a forearm in Vietnam, by picturing him with Bin Laden.) Think Michael J. Fox (and the grotesque on-radio-and-on-screen antics of Limbaugh The Mad.) Think of the dragged-out hype over John Kerry's clumsy joke about Bush. Think of that anti-Ford advert with the winking white tart at the end. Think of all the Dem candidates who have been called pro-terrorist, i.e. "If you vote for them, the terrorists win."
But enough already. Everybody in the country who has at least one television set has seen and smelled this stuff. A prediction: it ain't gonna work this time.
And when the tide has changed....why don't we just deport Karl Rove? Is there room on the International Space Station?
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