How much of America is paying attention?
These words are from the Jan. 9 NY Times column by Bob Herbert:
"For a president - any president - to O.K. eavesdropping on U.S. citizens on American soil without a warrant is an abomination. First, it's illegal - and for very good reasons. Spying on the populace is a giant step toward totalitarianism. In the worst-case scenario, it's the nightmare of Soviet-style surveillance.
"Related to that is the all-important matter of the separation of powers, which is the absolutely crucial cornerstone of our form of government - our bulwark against tyranny. An elaborate system of checks and balances (you need a warrant from a court to wiretap, for example) prevents the concentration of too much power in any one branch, or any one person. Get rid of the checks and balances and you've gotten rid of the United States as we've known it.
"If President Bush wants to spy on Americans, let him follow the law and get a warrant. He's the president, not the king."
The question is: Will enough US citizens wake up soon enough to stymie Bush and his neo-fascist cabal?
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