More Republican-engendered rot
How deep can the rot penetrate into this nation's heart?
On Dec. 4, Robyn E. Blumner wrote a mind-shocking article in the St. Petersburg Times called "The Republicans' Millionaire Relief Act." He explains how the large majority of Republicans in the House have aimed a double-barrel shotgun at 99% of the country. With a few weeks of padding between votes, their plan was to pass a $50 billion deficit reduction package that clobbers education, health and the poor, and then give out another $56 billion in tax cuts, 51% of which would go to the richest Americans, i.e., the top 1%. (14 Republicans joined all the Democrats to vote against stage one, but they lost out 217-215.)
So much for Bushworld Year Five. But don't retch yet. Blumner goes on to write:
"From the founding of this nation to the year George W. Bush was elected president, we amassed a debt of $5.6-trillion. Bush is on track to nearly double it by the time he leaves office in 2009."
Now let's all throw up. 99% of us, that is.
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