To George on Thanksgiving
A couple of paragraphs from Cindy Sheehan's letter to George Bush on Thanksgiving Day as she was returning to the peace campsite in Crawford, Texas:
"Also, since August we have discovered that American forces are using chemical weapons in Iraq ... The Army admitted that white phosphorous was used as an offensive weapon against 'enemy combatants.' Oh really, George, since when did a weapon fired from a distance distinguish between enemies and innocents? Especially when it is so hard for soldiers on the ground to differentiate between enemies and innocents? It is hard for one to ignore if not look away from the grisly pictures of the burned citizens of Fallujah. By the way, George, isn't the use of chemical weapons prohibited? Don't you always say that "Saddam is a bad man" for using chemical weapons on his own people? So is it okay for you to use chemical weapons in Iraq because the citizens of Iraq are not 'your' people? ...
"Are you and Laura going to hit the sack tonight and toss and turn or stare out of the window worried that Jenna or Barbara may be killed in Iraq? Are you going to jump at every single ringing of the telephone, will your hearts beat wildly at every knock at the door, fearing the Angel of Death in an Army uniform? I didn't think so. Two soldiers were killed today in Iraq, George. I hope to God their families aren't just sitting down to enjoy their meal when the grim reapers come to tell them their holidays are ruined for ever. There is no good time for such horrendous news."
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