Hope on the streets of NYC
All this shouting from the GOP about "class warfare" is getting to be a lot more than tiresome.
What a pain to hear this coming from politicos who have been fabulously paid to support people and political machinery that have been waging terrible war on the poor and middle class since the last national election.
And now comes the Wall Street protest. Who could have imagined the days of journalistic neglect by most of the national media? If it were not for the cell phone cameras of folks on the street, you have to wonder if any coverage would ever have ensued. Egypt 's Tahrir Square got great media coverage right from the start.
Those growing numbers on The Street of New York are the voice of tens of millions of Americans without work, without health insurance, sometimes without hope.
Those who want to replace democracy with plutocracy constantly shouting "Class warfare"? Give me a break. Give the 180 million Americans who together have less than the 400 richest Americans a break. Give the world a break -- really, think about it.
Trickle down, my foot.
Super-rich victims, my foot.
May the Wall Street protest grow like the biblical mustard seed!
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