The latest plate of Bush baloney
Today Bush The Decider again went on stage with his "fighting Al Qaeda in Iraq so we don't have to fight them here" fandango. This time he mentioned Al Qaeda 93 times--yes, that is NINETY-THREE TIMES--In 29 minutes.
It seems Bush cannot stop raving about this very small part of the insurgency in Iraq. CNN's Michael Ware, who has lived in Iraq almost continuously since before the US invaded and occupied the country, points out that Al Qaeda "would be lucky to make up...3 percent of the total insurgency."
Apparently the President-In-Denial cannot bring himself to accept the fact that US troops have been dying--as of tonight 3,637 of them--in the midst of an insane, home-grown civil war. Nobody is going to deny that Al Qaeda jihadists are a part of the insurgent mix in Iraq, but again, their number is small. And their number was zero until Bush and Cheney lit the fire.
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