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Sunday, May 06, 2007

Seeing Iraq beneath the fog

Most Americans, like most of the rest of the world, know about the Bush cabal's crriminal duplicity in attacking and occupying Iraq. But most Americans still harbor lots of misconceptions about that devastated land. They would understand a lot more if the major media spent less time droning on about drunk celebrities and more time interviewing people who know the real score. (For example, Fawaz Gerges, or MIr Rosin, or Rajiv Chandrasakaran--who has pulled the veil off of Baghdad's "Emerald City," the fairyland Green Zone set up to be run by Bush loyalists, no matter what their talents or lack of same.)

Here are a few of the less known facts:

* Iraq's Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, does not represent a united Iraq. He was the deputy leader of the De-Baathification Commission of the Iraqi Interim Government. That commission purged Baathists from the military and government, a leading reason for the present mess. Maliki continues to purge Sunnis,

* Iraq is becoming a land ruled by warlords. (One has to ask if these warlords will come to control Iraq's oil.)

* Iraq's Al-Qaeda is a local phenomenon, not an integral part of Bin Ladin's wide network.

* Fallajuh had long been a calm city. US forces destroyed it. Once again, the Bush program alienated moderate Muslims and spawned new terrorists. (By the way, some 70% of one billion Muslims worldwide see the US occupation of Iraq as a Crusade.)

* Bush's "surge" is only fanning the flames. Withdrawal of US troops does not have to bring about total chaos. An orderly withdrawal (Gerges emphasizes "orderly") could begin right now, and a wide agreement could bring in neutral Muslim forces as US forces departed .