Reckoning time has come
In today's NY Times, Frank Rich paints a clear picture of how the Washington house of the fat cats is falling down on them. Those of you with a NY Times online or paper subscription (or are on my j&p list) know exactly what I am talking about here. Others might find the article reprinted in their local paper. In the meantime, there is a sort of summary in one Rich sentence: "Every time you turn over a rock, you find more vermin." As he unflolds the story, Rich gives the names of the Bush-Rove gang's front-line bangers (or in more imperial terms, the princes of greed): DeLay, Abramoff, Ralph Reed, Grover Norquist, David Safavian, Joseph Schmitz, Meanwhile, Frist and Blunt (who got DeLay's job) are standing in the wings, perhaps wondering if it is time they found a rock to hide under. It is an article not to be missed. Maybe indeed -- finally, finally -- "The times, they are a changin'."
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