The nut-case preacher
For the umpteenth time, whacko TV preacher Pat Robertson has gone over the edge. The difference this time is that just about every media person in the country has taken notice of his lunatic preaching. Robertson's Christian (huh?) call for the assassination of Venezuela's Hugo Chavez is now news all around the world. So how many budding terrorists just got refueled by the Rev?
Robertson will get some home-grown sympathy-albeit muffled- from fixated right-wingers who would blame every malaise in the Americas on Chavez and Castro. But nary a word will be heard from their fundamentalist selves about our government's fervent affection-past and/or present-for lovely people like Jonas Savimbi, Ferdinand Marcos, Augusto Pinochet, the Contras of Nicaragua, the brutal generals of Argentina and Guatemala and El Salvador and Honduras, the earlier Saddam Hussein, the Saudi funders of hate and terror-et al. ad nauseam.
Thy kingdom come...
forgive us our trespasses...
and deliver us from evil preaching.
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