Gonzales the next Supreme?
With all the chatter about Alberto Gonzales perhaps being chosen by Bush for the Supreme Court, many people might forget that this is the guy who called the Geneva Convention on Torture "quaint." And he did not say that in a void. Gonzales is one of the producers of these Bush times, where oddball terms have been invented to push aside international law, ethics and plain old morality. In Bushworld, "unlawful combatant" justifies the removal of anybody from international and US legal protections. In Bushworld, "extraordinary rendition" means someone can be secretely flown off to Egypt or Jordan or Syria (or who knows where else?) to be tortured. Most of the world recognizes this cancer. They know "others do it" is no excuse. They expect worlds better of us. But will enough US citizens forget about celebrities long enough to look twice and demand a turnaround?
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