A border story
In recent years my friend Jack McGarvey has taught me a lot about migrants passing through these borderlands. Here is the last part of his article in today's Arizona Daily Star. (Full article has gone out to my j&p list.)
Meanwhile, I keep reading that the evil fellow, Pedro of Oaxaca, is snatching jobs away from Americans. I truly doubt that, because I've never yet met a job-hungry American who'd enjoy picking up cantaloupes in the fields near Eloy during the hideously hot month of June. Even if they did, they will never work as hard and skillfully as would Pedro from Oaxaca. Nor have I ever met an American worker who'd relish picking oranges in the groves outside Phoenix - what with all those pricking thorns.
I've also learned that most illegal migrants who trespass to do that kind of hard work are some of Mexico's best folk.
That's a huge loss for Mexico, and a huge gain for the United States of America. And, of course, politically connected employers here know that, and that's why our expensive border enforcement is such a joke.
Finally, if I'd met Pedro and his pal on my September morning walk, I would've asked them if they needed help. I certainly would never have tattled on these two brave fellows by calling the U.S. Border Patrol.
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