The "Biblical" Bush
In (a GOP) documentary, President Bush is presented as a man with "the moral clarity of an old-fashioned biblical prophet" and is shown sharing a beatific split screen with the Son of God himself.
So, in 2004, Jesus is not only the president's favorite philosopher he's his surrogate running mate. I'm surprised we haven't seen any "Bush-Christ 2004" bumper stickers yet. It would make for a heck of an October surprise...
What the president calls faith is actually nothing of the sort. It is fanaticism, pure and simple. The defining trait of the fanatic is an utter refusal to allow anything as piddling as evidence to get in the way of an unshakable belief.
This zealot's mindset is what allows President Bush to take in the death and destruction in Iraq and see them as "freedom on the march." And it's also what allows Abu Zarqawi and his followers to coldly put a bullet in the back of the head of four-dozen unarmed Iraqi Army recruits because they are "apostates."
"Either you're with us or you're against us" plainly cuts both ways.
"This is why George W. Bush is so clear-eyed about al-Qaida and the Islamic fundamentalist enemy," explained Bruce Bartlett, a domestic policy advisor to Reagan and Bush 41. "He understands them because he's just like them."
I pray that every American of real faith keeps this in mind when stepping into the voting booth on Election Day.
Arianna Huffington, Oct. 27 (or 28), 2004
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